Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hunter's new onsies

Thanksgiving Point Pumpkin Fest
So this post is out of order, but I didn't have the pictures to put on here when I was posting Halloween pictures. We took the kids to Pumpkin Fest at Thanksgiving Point. The Angels Hands Foundation was having an activity and so we took advantage of getting in free! There were a lot of activities to do. Caitlin loved the slides and her balloon crown (which I didn't get a picture of). The weather was getting cold and it was about to rain so we hurried through everything. As you can see, I forgot my camera and so we had to buy a disposable one there. I don't think Dwayne knew that he bought a Halloween camera. So needless to say I am stuck with all of the sayings at the bottom of each picture.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Perfect Song!
Click on the link below to listen and watch the video She's With Me, by Collin Raye. Make sure to watch the second link first. I can really relate to this song. He has taken the experience of having a special needs child and put it into the perfect words. I cry everytime I listen to it. Collin Raye has a granddaughter that has a brain disorder that they have been unable to diagnose. His experience is what inspired the song. Dwayne and I always talk about Hunter being our ticket into Heaven and Collin Raye touches on that very point. Hope you love it as much as I do!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
More Random Pictures

I love sleeping pictures of my kids. The other day I came out from getting ready for the day and found Caitlin sound asleep on the couch with her dolls. It was so precious. She is such a sweet little girl and I couldn't resist to take a picture of it. And here is Hunter hanging out in his wheelchair.
First Candybar
Halloween 2009

Tutu Cute!!

Caitlin is a such a girly girl. Tabitha Sabin made this tutu for her. She loves it and would sleep in it if I would let her. She loves playing dress up already. I can't keep her out of her clothes in her dresser. I just bought her a new pink hat and gloves for winter and she immediately had to put them on.
my little organizer!
Caitlin has picked up a lot from watching me I guess. But I have been watching her lately and she seems to be quite the organizer. When playing with her toys she lines everything up in one big line (blocks, cars, etc). The other day she got into the shoe basket and starting doing it with them also. I thought it was so funny and had to have a picture of it. The only thing is, I don't know how she can be so organized yet at the same time be such a little hoarder also-lol. the second picture is of her with everything and the kitchen sink with her in the rocking chair. She also does this with her doll cradle also. So Funny!!
Tall Kneeling
Hunter is doing so good lately. He is very active and is starting to hit some very important milestones. In addition to getting in and out of sitting by himself, he is pulling up to kneeling on everything and has pushed into standing by himself several times (I will post a picture when I get one). We are excited for the the future and what is to come with his abilities. :)
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